Jan Modersitzki: Publications

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J. Modersitzki: FAIR: Flexible Algorithms for Image Registration. SIAM, Philadelphia, 2009.


J. Modersitzki: Numerical Methods for Image Registration. Oxford University Press, New York, 2004.


All others

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Saskia Neuber, Pia F Schulz, Sven Kuckertz, and Jan Modersitzki,
Segmentation-inspired Image Registration, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2024: Proceedings, German Conference on Medical Image Computing, Erlangen, March 10-12, 2024 , 2024. pp. 205.
File: Dateilink
Bibtex: BibTeX
title={Segmentation-inspired Image Registration},
author={Neuber, Saskia and Schulz, Pia F and Kuckertz, Sven and Modersitzki, Jan},
booktitle={Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2024: Proceedings, German Conference on Medical Image Computing, Erlangen, March 10-12, 2024},


Florian Mannel, Hari Om Aggrawal, and Jan Modersitzki,
A structured L-BFGS method and its application to inverse problems, Inverse Problems , 2023.


Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Special Issue on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision,
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title  = {Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Special Issue on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision},
  year   = {2021},
  author = {Lellmann, J. and Modersitzki, J.},


Thomas Polzin, Marc Niethammer, François-Xavier Vialard, and Jan Modersitzki,
A discretize–optimize approach for LDDMM registration, in Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis , Xavier Pennec and Stefan Sommer and Tom Fletcher, Eds. Academic Press, 2020, pp. 479 - 532.
File: B9780128147252000224
Bibtex: BibTeX
title = "A discretize–optimize approach for LDDMM registration",
editor = "Xavier Pennec and Stefan Sommer and Tom Fletcher",
booktitle = "Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis",
publisher = "Academic Press",
pages = "479 - 532",
year = "2020",
isbn = "978-0-12-814725-2",
doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-814725-2.00022-4",
url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128147252000224",
author = "Thomas Polzin and Marc Niethammer and François-Xavier Vialard and Jan Modersitzki",
keywords = "LDDMM, Discretize–Optimize, Image Registration, Optimal Control, Lung, Computed Tomography, Runge–Kutta Methods",
abstract = " Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) is a popular approach for deformable image registration with nice mathematical properties. LDDMM encodes spatial deformations through time-varying velocity fields. Hence registration requires optimization over these time-varying velocity fields, resulting in a large-scale constrained optimization problem. Typical numerical solution approaches for LDDMM use an optimize–discretize strategy, where optimality conditions are derived in the continuum and subsequently discretized and solved. Here we explore solution methods based on the discretize–optimize approach and discuss ramifications for popular LDDMM relaxation and shooting approaches. The focus is on a consistent method that uses the appropriate Runge–Kutta methods for the solution of all arising PDEs in the Eulerian frame. Additionally, we discuss both run-time and memory consumption requirements and present an approach that makes the registration suitable for standard PCs. We demonstrate the practicality of our proposed approach in the context of image registration applied to 3D computed tomography (CT) scans of the lung."
Hari Om Aggrawal, and Jan Modersitzki,
Accelerating the Registration of Image Sequences by Spatio-Temporal Multilevel Strategies, in Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging , IEEE Computer Society, 2020. pp. 683--686.
File: ISBI45749.2020.9098520}}
Bibtex: BibTeX
author={Aggrawal, Hari Om and Modersitzki, Jan},
title={Accelerating the Registration of Image Sequences by Spatio-Temporal Multilevel Strategies},
booktitle={Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging},
publisher={IEEE Computer Society},
Hari Om Aggrawal, Martin S. Andersen, and Jan Modersitzki,
An Image Registration Framework for Discontinuous Mappings Along Cracks, in International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration , Springer, 2020. pp. 163--173.
File: 978-3-030-50120-4_16}}
Bibtex: BibTeX
author={Aggrawal, Hari Om and Andersen, Martin S. and Modersitzki, Jan},
title={An Image Registration Framework for Discontinuous Mappings Along Cracks},
booktitle={International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration},


J. Lellmann, M. Burger, and J. (eds.) Modersitzki,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference On Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2019)., .... Springer, 2019.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title =     {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference On Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2019)},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year =      {2019},
  author = {Lellmann, J. and Burger, M. and Modersitzki, J. (eds.)},
  series =    {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}
Kai Brehmer, Hari Om Aggrawal, Stefan Heldmann, and Jan Modersitzki,
Variational registration of multiple images with the SVD based SqN distance measure, in Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 7th International Conference, SSVM 2019, Hofgeismar, Germany, June 30-July 4, 2019, Proceedings , Burger, Martin and Lellmann, Jan and Modersitzki, Jan, Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2019. pp. 251--262.
File: 1907.09732}}
Bibtex: BibTeX
author={Brehmer, Kai and Aggrawal, Hari Om and Heldmann, Stefan and Modersitzki, Jan},
title={Variational registration of multiple images with the SVD based SqN distance measure},
booktitle={Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 7th International Conference, SSVM 2019, Hofgeismar, Germany, June 30-July 4, 2019, Proceedings},
editor={Burger, Martin and Lellmann, Jan and Modersitzki, Jan},
publisher={Springer International Publishing},


Kai Brehmer, Benjamin Wacker, and Jan Modersitzki,
A Novel Similarity Measure for Image Sequences, in International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration , 2018. pp. 47--56.
File: 1907.09741}}
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={A Novel Similarity Measure for Image Sequences},
  author={Brehmer, Kai and Wacker, Benjamin and Modersitzki, Jan},
  booktitle={International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration},
Alexander Oliver Mader, Cristian Lorenz, Martin Bergtholdt, Jens Berg, Hauke Schramm, Jan Modersitzki, and Carsten Meyer,
Detection and localization of spatially correlated point landmarks in medical images using an automatically learned conditional random field, Computer Vision and Image Understanding , vol. 176, pp. 45--53, 2018. Elsevier.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={Detection and localization of spatially correlated point landmarks in medical images using an automatically learned conditional random field},
  author={Mader, Alexander Oliver and Lorenz, Cristian and Bergtholdt, Martin and von Berg, Jens and Schramm, Hauke and Modersitzki, Jan and Meyer, Carsten},
  journal={Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
Erik A Hanson, Constantin Sandmann, Alexander Malyshev, Arvid Lundervold, Jan Modersitzki, and Erlend Hodneland,
Estimating the discretization dependent accuracy of perfusion in coupled capillary flow measurements, PloS one , vol. 13, no. 7, pp. e0200521, 2018. Public Library of Science.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={Estimating the discretization dependent accuracy of perfusion in coupled capillary flow measurements},
  author={Hanson, Erik A and Sandmann, Constantin and Malyshev, Alexander and Lundervold, Arvid and Modersitzki, Jan and Hodneland, Erlend},
  journal={PloS one},
  publisher={Public Library of Science}
Kai Brehmer, Benjamin Wacker, and Jan Modersitzki,
Simultaneous Registration of Image Sequences--a novel singular value based images similarity measure, PAMM , vol. 18, no. 1, pp. e201800370, 2018. Wiley Online Library.
File: 1907.09275}}
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={Simultaneous Registration of Image Sequences – a novel singular value
based images similarity measure},
  author={Brehmer, Kai and Wacker, Benjamin and Modersitzki, Jan},
  booktitle={Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - 89th GAMM Annual Meeting},


Jan Rühaak, Thomas Polzin, Stefan Heldmann, Ivor J. A. Simpson, Heinz Handels, Jan Modersitzki, and Mattias P. Heinrich,
Estimation of Large Motion in Lung CT by Integrating Regularized Keypoint Correspondences into Dense Deformable Registration, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1746--1757, 2017. IEEE.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={Estimation of Large Motion in Lung CT by Integrating Regularized Keypoint Correspondences into Dense Deformable Registration},
  author={R{\"u}haak, Jan and Polzin, Thomas and Heldmann, Stefan and Simpson, Ivor J. A. and Handels, Heinz and Modersitzki, Jan and Heinrich, Mattias P.},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
  volume = {36},
  number = {8},
  pages = {1746--1757},
Alexander Oliver Mader, Cristian Lorenz, Martin Bergtholdt, Jens Berg, Hauke Schramm, Jan Modersitzki, and Carsten Meyer,
Detection and Localization of Landmarks in the Lower Extremities Using an Automatically Learned Conditional Random Field, in Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis, Computational Anatomy and Imaging Genetics , Springer, 2017, pp. 64--75.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={Detection and Localization of Landmarks in the Lower Extremities Using an Automatically Learned Conditional Random Field},
  author={Mader, Alexander Oliver and Lorenz, Cristian and Bergtholdt, Martin and von Berg, Jens and Schramm, Hauke and Modersitzki, Jan and Meyer, Carsten},
  booktitle={Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis, Computational Anatomy and Imaging Genetics},
Lars Ruthotto, Chen Greif, and Jan Modersitzki,
A stabilized multigrid solver for hyperelastic image registration, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications , vol. 24, no. 5, pp. e2095, 2017. Wiley Online Library.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={A stabilized multigrid solver for hyperelastic image registration},
  author={Ruthotto, Lars and Greif, Chen and Modersitzki, Jan},
  journal={Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
  publisher={Wiley Online Library}
Caterina Rust, Stephanie Häger, Nadine Traulsen, and Jan Modersitzki,
A robust algorithm for optic disc segmentation and fovea detection in retinal fundus images, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering , vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 533--537, 2017. De Gruyter.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={A robust algorithm for optic disc segmentation and fovea detection in retinal fundus images},
  author={Rust, Caterina and H{\"a}ger, Stephanie and Traulsen, Nadine and Modersitzki, Jan},
  journal={Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering},
  publisher={De Gruyter}
Jan Rühaak, Lars König, Florian Tramnitzke, Harald Köstler, and Jan Modersitzki,
A Matrix-Free Approach to Efficient Affine-Linear Image Registration on CPU and GPU, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing , vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 205--225, 2017. Springer.
File: ruhaak2016matrix.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {R\"{u}haak, Jan and K\"{o}nig, Lars and Tramnitzke, Florian and K\"{o}stler, Harald and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {A {M}atrix-{F}ree {A}pproach to {E}fficient {A}ffine-{L}inear {I}mage {R}egistration on {CPU} and {GPU}},
  journal = {{J}ournal of {R}eal-{T}ime {I}mage {P}rocessing},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {13},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {205--225},
  issn      = {1861-8219},
  publisher = {Springer},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11554-016-0564-4}


Constantin Sandmann, Erlend Hodneland, and Jan Modersitzki,
A practical guideline for T1 reconstruction from various flip angles in MRI, Journal of Algorithms \& Computational Technology , vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 213-223, 2016.
File: 1748301816656288
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Constantin Sandmann and Erlend Hodneland and Jan Modersitzki},
title = {A practical guideline for T1 reconstruction from various flip angles in MRI},
journal = {Journal of Algorithms \& Computational Technology},
volume = {10},
number = {4},
pages = {213-223},
year = {2016},
URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1748301816656288},
abstract = { A fast and robust method for T1 estimation in MRI is the so-called variable flip angle technique. We introduce a novel family of T1 reconstruction methods from data acquired with various flip angles and propose a family member which combines the robustness of a nonlinear- with the computational advantages of a linear reconstruction. The constructed family contains the most common approaches for T1 estimation, namely a linear and a nonlinear approach. A general sensitivity analysis for arbitrary members of the family is established. Advantages of the optimized reconstruction are demonstrated on phantom- as well as real data, showing improvements of up to 24\% as compared with the linear method. As a further means to stabilize T1 estimation, spatial stabilization methods are compared. We demonstrate on phantom and on real data that improved results can be obtained if not only T1 but also a second unknown M0 in the reconstruction is stabilized. }
Thomas Polzin, Marc Niethammer, Mattias Paul Heinrich, Heinz Handels, and Jan Modersitzki,
Memory Efficient LDDMM for Lung CT, in Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention 2016 , Sebastién Ourselin and Leo Joskowicz and Mert R. Sabuncu and Gozde Unal and William Wells, Eds. Springer, 2016. pp. 28--36.
File: PolzinEtAl_MICCAI2016_MemoryEfficientLDDMMForLungCT.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Polzin, Thomas and Niethammer, Marc and Heinrich, Mattias Paul and
	Handels, Heinz and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {{Memory Efficient LDDMM for Lung CT}},
  booktitle = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention 2016},
  pages = {28--36},
  year = {2016},
  publisher = {Springer},
 editor = {Sebastién Ourselin and Leo Joskowicz and Mert R. Sabuncu and Gozde Unal and William Wells}
J. Lotz, J. Olesch, B. Müller, T. Polzin, P. Galuschka, J. M. Lotz, S. Heldmann, H. Laue, M. González-Vallinas, A. Warth, B. Lahrmann, N. Grabe, O. Sedlaczek, K. Breuhahn, and J. Modersitzki,
Patch-Based Nonlinear Image Registration for Gigapixel Whole Slide Images, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 1812-1819, 2016.


Nick Weiss, Johannes Lotz, and Jan Modersitzki,
Multimodal Image Registration in Digital Pathology Using Cell Nuclei Densities, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015, Algorithmen – Systeme – Anwendungen, Proceedings des Workshops vom 15. bis 17. März 2015 in Lübeck , Handels, Heinz and Deserno, Thomas M. and Meinzer, Hans-Peter and Tolxdorff, Thomas, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg, 2015. pp. 245.
Bibtex: BibTeX
abstract = {Abstract. 3D reconstruction and digital double staining offer pathologists many new insights into tissue structure and metabolism. Key to these applications is the precise registration of histological slide images, that is challenging in several ways. One major challenge are differently stained slides, that highlight different parts of the tissue. In this paper we introduce a new registration method to face this multimodality. It abstracts the image information to cell nuclei densities. By minimizing the distance of these densities an affine transformation is determined that restores the lost spatial correspondences. The proposed density based registration is evaluated using consecutive histological slides. It is compared to a Mutual Information based registration and shown to be more accurate and robust.},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
author = {Weiss, Nick and Lotz, Johannes and Modersitzki, Jan},
booktitle = {Bildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die Medizin 2015, Algorithmen – Systeme – Anwendungen, Proceedings des Workshops vom 15. bis 17. M\"{a}rz 2015 in L\"{u}beck},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-46224-9},
editor = {Handels, Heinz and Deserno, Thomas M. and Meinzer, Hans-Peter and Tolxdorff, Thomas},
file = {:home/jo/Seafile/misc/mendeley/Weiss, Lotz, Modersitzki - 2015 - Multimodal Image Registration in Digital Pathology Using Cell Nuclei Densities.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {9783662462232},
month = mar,
pages = {245},
publisher = {Springer Vieweg},
title = {{Multimodal Image Registration in Digital Pathology Using Cell Nuclei Densities}},
year = {2015}
J. Modersitzki, S. Heldmann, and N. Papenberg,
Nonlinear Registration Via Displacement Fields, in Brain Mapping , Toga, Arthur W., Eds. Waltham: Academic Press, 2015, pp. 307 - 314.
File: B9780123970251003006
Bibtex: BibTeX
title = {Nonlinear Registration Via Displacement Fields},
editor = {Toga, Arthur W.},
booktitle = {Brain Mapping},
publisher = {Academic Press},
edition = {},
address = {Waltham},
year = {2015},
pages = {307 - 314},
isbn = {978-0-12-397316-0},
doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-397025-1.00300-6},
url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123970251003006},
author = {J. Modersitzki and S. Heldmann and N. Papenberg},
keywords = {Displacement fields, Image fusion,Image registration, Nonlinear registration, Variational formulation},
abstract = {Abstract This article presents a brief review on nonlinear registration techniques based on a variational formulation. The main advantages of this setting are its great modeling potential and its modular setting. This enables easy changes and adaptations for fine-tuning for particular applications. Furthermore, this setting also enables the integration of additional information. This can be formulated in terms of either soft or hard constraints, such as privileged handling of anatomical landmarks, local rigidity of structures, and emphasis on volume preservation or limitations of volume changes. The latter is of particular interest for one-to-one displacement fields (also known as diffeomorphic registration). The setting is supported by a rigorous mathematical theory and can be translated into fast and stable implementations. Although the focus of this article is not on the practical realization, important concepts such as multiscale and multilevel representations and reduction of ambiguities of results based on proper regularization are also briefly discussed.},
L König, A Derksen, S Heldmann, N Papenberg, J Modersitzki, and B Haas,
Deformable image registration with guaranteed local rigidity, Radiotherapy and Oncology: Proceedings of the 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona , vol. 115, pp. S197--S198, 2015. Elsevier.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={Deformable image registration with guaranteed local rigidity},
  author={K{\"o}nig, L and Derksen, A and Heldmann, S and Papenberg, N and Modersitzki, J and Haas, B},
  journal={Radiotherapy and Oncology: Proceedings of the 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona},
J Lotz, J Olesch, B M{ü}ller, T Polzin, P Galuschka, J M Lotz, S Heldmann, H Laue, A Warth, B Lahrmann, N Grabe, O Sedlaczek, K Breuhahn, and J Modersitzki,
{Patch-Based Nonlinear Image Registration for Gigapixel Whole Slide Images}, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 1812--1819, 2015.
File: TBME-00958-2015_preprint.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
abstract = {Objective: Image Registration of whole slide histology images allows the fusion of fine-grained information - like different immunohistochemical stains - from neighboring tissue slides. Traditionally, pathologists fuse this information by looking subsequently at one slide at a time. If the slides are digitized and accurately aligned at cell-level, automatic analysis can be used to ease the pathologist's work. However, the size of those images exceeds the memory capacity of regular computers. Methods: We address the challenge to combine a global motion model that takes the physical cutting process of the tissue into account with image data that is not simultaneously globally available. Typical approaches either reduce the amount of data to be processed or partition the data into smaller chunks to be processed separately. Our novel method first registers the complete images on a low resolution with a nonlinear deformation model and later refines this result on patches by using a second nonlinear registration on each patch. Finally the deformations computed on all patches are combined by interpolation to form one globally smooth nonlinear deformation. The NGF distance measure is used to handle multi-stain images. Results: The method is applied to ten whole slide image pairs of human lung cancer data. The alignment of 85 corresponding structures is measured by comparing manual segmentations from neighboring slides. Their offset improves significantly, by at least 15 %, compared to the low-resolution nonlinear registration. Conclusion/Significance: The proposed method significantly improves the accuracy of multi-stain registration which allows to compare different anti-bodies at cell-level. available. Typical approaches either reduce the amount of data to be processed or partition the data into smaller chunks to be processed separately. Our novel method first registers the complete images on a low resolution with a nonlinear deformation model and later refines this result on patches by using a second nonlinear registration on each patch. Finally the deformations computed on all patches are combined by interpolation to form one globally smooth nonlinear deformation. The NGF distance measure is used to handle multi-stain images.Results: The method is applied to ten whole slide image pairs of human lung cancer data. The alignment of 85 corresponding structures is measured by comparing manual segmentations from neighboring slides. Their offset improves significantly, by at least 15 %, compared to the low-resolution nonlinear registration. Conclusion/Significance: The proposed method significantly improves the accuracy of multi-stain registration which allows to compare different anti-bodies at cell-level.},
author = {Lotz, J and Olesch, J and M{\"{u}}ller, B and Polzin, T and Galuschka, P and Lotz, J M and Heldmann, S and Laue, H and Warth, A and Lahrmann, B and Grabe, N and Sedlaczek, O and Breuhahn, K and Modersitzki, J},
doi = {10.1109/TBME.2015.2503122},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering},
keywords = {computer-aided diagnosis,digital pathology,high resolution histological scans ,histopathology, image registration},
title = {{Patch-Based Nonlinear Image Registration for Gigapixel Whole Slide Images}},
year = {2015},
volume = {63}, 
number = {9},
pages = {1812--1819}
Nils Papenberg, Lars König, Stefan Heldmann, Alexander Derksen, Jan Modersitzki, and Benjamin Haas,
A Locally Variable Transformation Model for Deformable Image Registration Using Tissue Properties, in Varian Research Partnership Symposium , Atlanta, Georgia, USA , 2015.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	author = {Papenberg, Nils and König, Lars and Heldmann, Stefan and Derksen, Alexander and Modersitzki, Jan and Haas, Benjamin},
	booktitle = {Varian Research Partnership Symposium},
	title = {A Locally Variable Transformation Model for Deformable Image Registration Using Tissue Properties},
	year = {2015},
	address = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
	month = {March}	


Anna Katharina Trull, Benjamin Berkels, and Jan Modersitzki,
Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI using a Separable Compartment Model and Parameter Elimination, in BVM 2014, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2014 , 2014. pp. 30--35.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Author = {Trull, Anna Katharina and Berkels, Benjamin and Modersitzki, Jan },
Booktitle = {BVM 2014, Bildverarbeitung f{\"u}r die Medizin 2014},
	Title = {Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI using a Separable Compartment Model and Parameter Elimination}
pages = {30--35}}
Florian Tramnitzke, Jan Rühaak, Lars König, Jan Modersitzki, and Harald Köstler,
GPU Based Affine Linear Image Registration using Normalized Gradient Fields, in Proc. Seventh International Workshop on High Performance Computing for Biomedical Image Analysis (HPC-MICCAI) , Boston, USA , 2014. pp. 5--14.
File: tramnitzke2014gpu.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Tramnitzke, Florian and R\"{u}haak, Jan and K\"{o}nig, Lars and Modersitzki, Jan and K\"{o}stler, Harald},
  title = {{GPU} {B}ased {A}ffine {L}inear {I}mage {R}egistration
using {N}ormalized {G}radient {F}ields},
  booktitle = {Proc. Seventh International Workshop on High Performance Computing for Biomedical Image Analysis (HPC-MICCAI)},
  year = {2014},
  address = {Boston, USA},
  month = {September},
pages = {5--14}
Thomas Polzin, Jan Rühaak, Ren\'{e} Werner, Heinz Handels, and Jan Modersitzki,
Lung Registration using Automatically Detected Landmarks, Methods of Information in Medicine , vol. 53, pp. 250--256, 2014.
File: PolzinEtAl-LungRegistrationUsingAutomaticallyDetectedLandmarks-PrePrint-MIM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Polzin, Thomas and R\"{u}haak, Jan and Werner, Ren\'{e} and Handels, Heinz and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Lung Registration using Automatically Detected Landmarks},
  journal = {Methods of Information in Medicine},
  year = {2014},
Constantin Heck, Lars Ruthotto, Jan Modersitzki, and Benjamin Berkels,
Model-based parameter estimation in DCE-MRI without an Arterial Input Function, in BVM 2014, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2014 , 2014. pp. 246--251.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Author = {Heck, Constantin and Ruthotto, Lars and Modersitzki, Jan and Berkels, Benjamin},
booktitle = {BVM 2014, Bildverarbeitung f{\"u}r die Medizin 2014},
	Date-Added = {2014-01-22 13:52:07 +0000},
	Date-Modified = {2014-01-22 13:54:28 +0000},
	Title = {Model-based parameter estimation in DCE-MRI without an Arterial Input Function}
pages = {246--251}}


Lars König, Nils Papenberg, Benjamin Haas, and Jan Modersitzki,
Deformable Registration for Adaptive Radiotherapy with Guaranteed Local Rigidity Constraints, in Varian Research Partnership Symposium , Atlanta, Georgia, USA , 2013.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	author = {K\"{o}nig, Lars and Papenberg, Nils and Haas, Benjamin and Modersitzki, Jan},
	booktitle = {Varian Research Partnership Symposium},
	title = {Deformable Registration for Adaptive Radiotherapy with Guaranteed Local Rigidity Constraints},
	year = {2013},
	address = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
	month = {March}	
[German] Lars Ruthotto, Siawoosh Mohammadi, Constantin Heck, Jan Modersitzki, and Nikolaus Weiskopf,
Hyperelastic Susceptibility Artifact Correction of DTI in SPM, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2013 , Meinzer, Hans-Peter and Deserno, Thomas Martin and Handels, Heinz and Tolxdorff, Thomas, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 344-349.
File: 978-3-642-36480-8_60
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Author = {Ruthotto, Lars and Mohammadi, Siawoosh and Heck, Constantin and Modersitzki, Jan and Weiskopf, Nikolaus},
	Booktitle = {Bildverarbeitung f{\"u}r die Medizin 2013},
	Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-36480-8_60},
	Editor = {Meinzer, Hans-Peter and Deserno, Thomas Martin and Handels, Heinz and Tolxdorff, Thomas},
	Isbn = {978-3-642-36479-2},
	Language = {German},
	Pages = {344-349},
	Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
	Series = {Informatik aktuell},
	Title = {Hyperelastic Susceptibility Artifact Correction of DTI in SPM},
	Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36480-8_60},
	Year = {2013},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36480-8_60}}
M. Burger, J. Modersitzki, and L. Ruthotto,
A hyperelastic regularization energy for image registration, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing , vol. 35, no. 1, pp. B132--B148, 2013. SIAM.
File: 2012-09-05_BMR-Hyperelasticity.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={A hyperelastic regularization energy for image registration},
  author={Burger, M. and Modersitzki, J. and Ruthotto, L.},
  journal={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
Sven Barendt, and Jan Modersitzki,
A variational model for SPECT reconstruction with a nonlinearly transformed attenuation prototype, International Journal of Computer Mathematics , vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 82-91, 2013.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Barendt, Sven and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {A variational model for SPECT reconstruction with a nonlinearly transformed attenuation prototype},
  journal = {International Journal of Computer Mathematics},
  volume = {90},
  number = {1},
  pages = {82-91},
  year = {2013}
Thomas Polzin, Jan Rühaak, Ren\'{e} Werner, Jan Strehlow, Stefan Heldmann, Heinz Handels, and Jan Modersitzki,
Combining Automatic Landmark Detection and Variational Methods for Lung CT Registration, in Proc. Fifth International MICCAI Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis (PIA 2013) , Nagoya, Japan , 2013. pp. 85--96.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	author = {Polzin, Thomas and R\"{u}haak, Jan and Werner, Ren\'{e} and Strehlow, Jan and Heldmann, Stefan and Handels, Heinz and Modersitzki, Jan},
	booktitle = {Proc. Fifth International MICCAI Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis (PIA 2013)},
	title = {Combining Automatic Landmark Detection and
Variational Methods for Lung CT Registration},
	year = {2013},
	address = {Nagoya, Japan},
	month = {September},
       pages = {85--96}


L. Ruthotto, F. Gigengack, M. Burger, Wolters, X. Jiang, K. Schäfers, and J. Modersitzki,
A Simplified Pipeline for Motion Correction in Dual Gated Cardiac {PET}, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2012 , Springer, 2012.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={A Simplified Pipeline for Motion Correction in Dual Gated Cardiac {PET}},
  author={Ruthotto, L. and Gigengack, F. and Burger, M. and Wolters, C.H., and Jiang, X. and Sch{\"a}fers, K. and           	
 booktitle={Bildverarbeitung f{\"u}r die Medizin 2012},
Fabian Gigengack, Lars Ruthotto, Xiaoyi Jiang, Jan Modersitzki, Martin Burger, Sven Hermann, and Klaus P. Schäfers,
Atlas-Based Whole-Body {PET-CT} Segmentation using a Passive Contour Distance, in Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Medical Computer Vision 2012 , Springer LNCS, 2012. pp. 1--10.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Gigengack, Fabian and Ruthotto, Lars and Jiang, Xiaoyi and Modersitzki,
	Jan and Burger, Martin and Hermann, Sven and Sch{\"a}fers, Klaus
  title = {Atlas-Based Whole-Body {PET-CT} Segmentation using a Passive Contour
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Medical Computer Vision 2012},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {1--10},
  publisher = {Springer LNCS}
L Ruthotto, H Kugel, J Olesch, B Fischer, J Modersitzki, M Burger, and CH Wolters,
Diffeomorphic Susceptibility Artefact Correction of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images, Physics in Medicine and Biology , vol. 57, pp. 5715--5731, 2012.
File: 2012-RKOFMBW-EPI.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Ruthotto, L and Kugel, H and Olesch, J and Fischer, B and Modersitzki, J and Burger, M and Wolters, CH},
title = {Diffeomorphic Susceptibility Artefact Correction of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images},
journal = {Physics in Medicine and Biology},
year = {2012},
pages = {5715--5731},
F. Gigengack, L. Ruthotto, T. Kösters, X. Jiang, J. Modersitzki, M. Burger, C.H. Wolters, and K. Schäfers,
Pipeline for Motion Correction in Dual Gated PET, in Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Confereence (NSS/MIC), 2012 IEEE , 2012. pp. 2983--2984.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {F. Gigengack and L. Ruthotto and T. K{\"o}sters and X. Jiang and
	J. Modersitzki and M. Burger and C.H. Wolters and K. Schäfers},
  title = {Pipeline for Motion Correction in Dual Gated PET},
  booktitle = {Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Confereence (NSS/MIC), 2012 IEEE},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {2983--2984}
L. Ruthotto, E. Hodneland, and J. Modersitzki,
Registration of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced {MRI} with Local Rigidity Constraint, in Biomedical Image Registration, 5th International Workshop {WBIR2012} , Dawant B.M., Fitzpatrick J.M., Rueckert D., and Christensen G.E., Eds. Springer, 2012.
File: 2012-03-26-WBIR-DCE.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title={Registration of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced {MRI} with Local Rigidity Constraint},
  	author={Ruthotto, L. and Hodneland, E. and  Modersitzki,J.},
 	booktitle={Biomedical Image Registration, 5th International Workshop {WBIR2012}},
	editor={Dawant B.M., Fitzpatrick J.M., Rueckert D., and Christensen G.E.},
Sven Barendt, and Jan Modersitzki,
SPECT Reconstruction with a Transformed Attenuation Prototype at Multiple Levels, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2012 , Springer, 2012. pp. 352-357.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title={SPECT Reconstruction with a Transformed Attenuation Prototype at Multiple Levels},
  author={Barendt, Sven and Modersitzki, Jan},
 booktitle={Bildverarbeitung f{\"u}r die Medizin 2012},
 pages     = {352-357},


Sven Barendt, and Jan Modersitzki,
SPECT Reconstruction with a Nonlinear Transformed Attenuation Prototype, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin , 2011.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Barendt, Sven and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title     = {SPECT Reconstruction with a Nonlinear Transformed Attenuation Prototype},
  booktitle = {Bildverarbeitung f{\"u}r die Medizin},
  year      = {2011},
  Series = {Informatik aktuell},
J. Hamer, M. Kleine, S. Barendt, J. Krajewski, J. Konitzer, E. Gáspár, B. Meller, J. Knobloch, M. Russlies, I. Buchmann, J. Barkhausen, J. Modersitzki, G. Ebel, and T. M. Buzug,
Molecular Imaging of Inflammations at Implant Interfaces (M4I) - Part of Molecular Imaging North Competence Center (MOIN CC), Biomed Tech , vol. 56, 2011.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {J. Hamer and M. Kleine and S. Barendt and J. Krajewski and J. Konitzer and E. Gáspár and B. Meller and J. Knobloch and M. Russlies and I. Buchmann and J. Barkhausen and J. Modersitzki and G. Ebel and T. M. Buzug},
  title = {Molecular Imaging of Inflammations at Implant Interfaces (M4I) -
	Part of Molecular Imaging North Competence Center (MOIN CC)},
  journal = {Biomed Tech},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {56},
Veronika Zimmer, Nils Papenberg, Jan Modersitzki, and Bernd Fischer,
Bildregistrierung zur Verbrennungsanalyse, in Bildverarbeitung f\"ur die Medizin 2011 , H Handels, Eds. Springer, 2011. pp. 159--163.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Zimmer, Veronika and Papenberg, Nils and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer,
  title = {Bildregistrierung zur Verbrennungsanalyse},
  booktitle = {Bildverarbeitung f\"ur die Medizin 2011},
  year = {2011},
  editor = {H Handels},
  pages = {159--163},
  publisher = {Springer}


Alvin Ihsani, Jan Modersitzki, and Troy Farncombe,
A Fully Automated Approach to Segmentation and Registration of {3D}, Medical Image Data for Pulmonary Diagnosis, in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, 2010 , Beijing , 2010. pp. 97--109.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Alvin Ihsani and Jan Modersitzki and Troy Farncombe},
  title = {A Fully Automated Approach to Segmentation and Registration of {3D}
	Medical Image Data for Pulmonary Diagnosis},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, 2010},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {97--109},
  address = {Beijing}
Christiane Pöschl, Jan Modersitzki, and Otmar Scherzer,
A Variational Setting for Volume Constrained Image Registration, Inverse Problems and Imaging , vol. X, no. 2-3, pp. 1-18, 2010.
File: 2010-IPI-PMS.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = { P\"{o}schl, Christiane and Modersitzki, Jan and Scherzer, Otmar},
  title = {A Variational Setting for Volume Constrained Image Registration},
  journal = {Inverse Problems and Imaging},
  volume = {X},
  number = {2-3},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {1-18},
Eldad Haber, R. Horesh, and Jan Modersitzki,
Numerical Methods for Constrained Image Registration, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications , vol. 17, no. 2-3, pp. 343--359, 2010.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Horesh, R. and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Numerical Methods for Constrained Image Registration},
  journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
  volume = {17},
  number = {2-3},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {343--359},


Olesya Peshko, Jan Modersitzki, Terlaky Terlaky, C Menard, T. Craig, and Douglas Moseley,
Automatic localization and tracking of fiducial markers for organ motion analysis in image-guided radiation therapy, Proceedings of the SPIE 2010, Medical Imaging, 2009. pp. 1--4.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Peshko, Olesya and Modersitzki , Jan and Terlaky, Terlaky and Menard, C and Craig, T. and Moseley, Douglas},
  title = {Automatic localization and tracking of fiducial markers for organ motion analysis in image-guided radiation therapy},
  publisher = { Proceedings of the SPIE 2010, Medical Imaging}, 
  note = {(Submitted)},
  pages = {1--4}, 
Hanno Schumacher, Jan Modersitzki, and Bernd Fischer,
Reconstruction and motion correction in {SPECT} imaging -- a combined approach, in Proceedings of the 12th Korea-Germany joint workshop on Advanced Medical Image Processing , Munich , 2009. pp. 32 --41.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Address = {Munich},
	Author = {Schumacher,Hanno and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Korea-Germany joint workshop on Advanced Medical Image Processing},
	Pages = {32 --41},
	Title = {Reconstruction and motion correction in {SPECT} imaging -- a combined approach},
	Year = {2009}
Konstantin Ens, Stefan Heldmann, Jan Modersitzki, and Bernd Fischer,
Improving a Registration and/or Segmentation Task by Incorporating Characteristics of the Displacement Field, in Proceedings of the SPIE 2009, Medical Imaging , JM Fitzpatrick and M Sonka, Eds. SPIE, 2009. pp. 304--313.
File: 2009-SPIE-EHMF.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  	author = {Ens, Konstantin and Heldmann, Stefan and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd},
 	 title = {Improving a Registration and/or Segmentation Task by Incorporating Characteristics of the Displacement Field},
  	booktitle = {Proceedings of the SPIE 2009, Medical Imaging},
  	year = {2009},
  	editor = {JM Fitzpatrick and M Sonka},
  	volume = {5370},
  	pages = {304--313},
  	publisher = {SPIE},
Konstantin Ens, Fabian Wenzel, Stewart Young, Jan Modersitzki, and Bernd Fischer,
Design of a Synthetic Database for the Validation of Non-linear Registration and Segmentation of {MR} Brain Images, in Proceedings of the SPIE 2009, Medical Imaging , J.P.W. Pluim and B.M. Dawant, Eds. SPIE, 2009.
File: 2009-SPIE-EWYMF.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Ens, Konstantin and  Wenzel, Fabian and Young, Stewart and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd},
  title = {Design of a Synthetic Database for the Validation of Non-linear Registration and Segmentation of {MR} Brain Images},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the SPIE 2009, Medical Imaging},
  year = {2009},
  Editor = {J.P.W. Pluim and B.M. Dawant},
  Volume = {7259, 725933},
  Newpages = {304--313},
  publisher = {SPIE},
Hanno Schumacher, Jan Modersitzki, and Bernd Fischer,
Combined Reconstruction and Motion Correction in {SPECT} Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science , vol. 56, pp. 73--80, 2009.
File: 2009-ITNS-SMF.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Author = {Schumacher, Hanno and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd},
	Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
	Pages = {73--80},
	Title = {Combined Reconstruction and Motion Correction in {SPECT} Imaging},
	Volume = {56},
	Year = {2009}
Jan Modersitzki,
{FAIR}: Flexible Algorithms for Image Registration., .... Philadelphia: SIAM, 2009.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {{FAIR}: Flexible Algorithms for Image Registration},
  publisher = {SIAM},
  address = {Philadelphia},
  year = {2009},
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan},
Christiane Pöschel, Jan Modersitzki, and Otmar Scherzer,
"A Variational Settingfor Volume Constrained Image Registration " 2009.
File: 2009-TR-PMS.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {P\"{o}schel, Christiane and Modersitzki, Jan and Scherzer, Otmar},
  title = {A Variational Settingfor Volume Constrained Image Registration },
  institution = {Joint Research Program of Industrial Geometry}, 
  year = {2009},
  month = {February},
Eldad Haber, Stefan Heldmann, and Jan Modersitzki,
A Scale-Space Approach to Landmark Constrained Image Registration, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM) , Springer LNCS, 2009. pp. 1-12.
File: 2009-SSVM-HHM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Heldmann, Stefan and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {A Scale-Space Approach to Landmark Constrained Image Registration},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Scale Space Methods and  
               Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM)},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {1-12},
  alteditor = {B de Moor and B Motmans},
  publisher = {Springer LNCS},
Sven Barendt, Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
A Kernel Representation for Exponential Splines with Global Tension, in Proceedings of the SPIE 2009, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems VII, San Jose , Jaakko T. Astola and Karen O. Egiazarian and Nasser M. Nasrabadi and Syed A. Rizvi, Eds. SPIE, 2009. pp. 72450I.
File: 2009-SPIE-BFM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Barendt, Sven and Fischer, Bernd and  Modersitzki, Jan},
  editor = {Jaakko T. Astola and Karen O. Egiazarian and Nasser M. Nasrabadi and Syed A. Rizvi},
  title = {A Kernel Representation for Exponential Splines with Global Tension},
  publisher = {SPIE},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {7245},
  number = {1},
  eid = {72450I},
  numpages = {10},
  pages = {72450I},
  url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PSI/7245/72450I/1},
  doi = {10.1117/12.810219},   
  note = {Accepted for publication},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the SPIE 2009, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems VII, 
  San Jose},
Eldad Haber, Stefan Heldmann, and Jan Modersitzki,
A Framework for Image-Based Constrained Registration with an Application to Local Rigidity, Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol. 431, pp. 459-470, 2009.
File: 2009-LAA-HHM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Heldmann, Stefan and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {A Framework for Image-Based Constrained Registration with an Application to Local Rigidity},
  journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  volume = {431},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {459-470},
Thomas Lange, Nils Papenberg, Stefan Heldmann, Jan Modersitzki, Bernd Fischer, and Peter M. Schlag,
3D Ultrasound--{CT} Alignment of the Liver using Combined Landmark--Intensity Registration, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 79--88, 2009.
File: 2008-IJCARS-LPHMFLS.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Author = {Lange, Thomas and Papenberg, Nils and Heldmann, Stefan and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd and Schlag, Peter M.},
	Journal = {International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery},
	Number = {1},
	Pages = {79--88},
	Title = {3D Ultrasound--{CT} Alignment of the Liver using Combined Landmark--Intensity Registration},
	Volume = {4},
	Year = {2009}}


Nils Papenberg, Jan Modersitzki, and Bernd Fischer,
Registrierung im Fokus, T. Toldoff and J. Braun and T.M. Deserno and H. Handels and A. Horsch and {H.-P. Meinzer}, Eds. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008. pp. 138-142.
ISBN:978-3-540-78639-9 (Print), 978-3-540-78640-5 (Online)
File: 2008-BVM-PMF_02.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Papenberg, Nils and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd},
  title = {{R}egistrierung im {F}okus: {B}eschleunigung {V}ariationeller {M}ethoden f\"{u}r die {B}ildregistrierung},
  book={{B}ildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die {M}edizin},
  Editor = {T. Toldoff and J. Braun and T.M. Deserno and H. Handels and A. Horsch and {H.-P. Meinzer}},
  volume = {7},
  year = {2008},
  publisher={Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
  pages = {138-142},
  Title = {Registrierung im Fokus},
  Series = {Informatik aktuell},
  ISBN={978-3-540-78639-9 (Print), 978-3-540-78640-5 (Online)},
Bernd Fischer, Eldad Haber, and Jan Moderstitzki,
Mathematics Meets Medicine, an Optimal Alignment, SIAG/OPT Views and News , vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1-7, 2008.
File: 2008-SIAG-FHM_01.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Haber, Eldad and Moderstitzki, Jan},
  title = {Mathematics Meets Medicine, an Optimal Alignment},
  journal = {SIAG/OPT Views and News},
  volume = {19},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {1-7},
Papenberg, Thomas Lange, Jan Modersitzki, Peter M. Schlag, and Bernd Fischer,
Image Registration for {CT} and Intra-operative Ultrasound Data of the Liver, in Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing , MI Miga and KR Cleary, Eds. SPIE, 2008. pp. 1-5.
File: 2008-SPIE-PLMSF.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Papenberg, Nils, and Lange, Thomas and Modersitzki, Jan and Schlag, Peter M. and Fischer, Bernd},
  title = {Image Registration for {CT} and Intra-operative Ultrasound Data of the Liver},
  Booktitle = {Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing},
  editor = {MI Miga and KR Cleary},  
  volume = {6918},
  publisher = {SPIE},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {1-5},
Jan Moderstitzki, and Bernd Fischer,
Ill-posed Medicine‚ an Introduction to Image Registration, Inverse Problems , vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1-19, 2008.
File: 2008-IP-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Moderstitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd},
  title = {Ill-posed Medicine‚ an Introduction to Image Registration},
  journal = {Inverse Problems},
  volume = {24},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {1-19},
Jan Modersitzki,
FLIRT with Rigidity‚Image Registration with a Local Non-rigidity Penalty, International Journal of Computer Vision , pp. 153-163, 2008. Springer Netherlands.
File: 2007-IJCV-M.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {FLIRT with Rigidity‚Image Registration with a Local Non-rigidity Penalty},
  journal = {International Journal of Computer Vision},
  Xvolume = {76},
  year = {2008},
  publisher={Springer Netherlands},
  pages = {153-163},
  ISSN={0920-5691 (Print) 1573-1405 (Online)},
Jan Modersitzki,
{FAIR} -- {F}lexible {A}lgorithms for {I}mage {R}egistration, 2008. \newline\url{http://www.mic.uni-luebeck.de/people/jan-modersitzki/software/fair.html}.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       {Jan Modersitzki},
  title =        {{FAIR} -- {F}lexible {A}lgorithms for {I}mage {R}egistration},
  howpublished = {\newline\url{http://www.mic.uni-luebeck.de/people/jan-modersitzki/software/fair.html}},
  year =         {2008},
Thomas Lange, Nils Papenberg, Stefan Heldmann, Jan Modersitzki, Bernd Fischer, and Peter M. Schlag,
{3D Ultrasound--CT Alignment of the Liver using Combined Landmark--Intensity Registration}, in Internationnal Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2008 (CARS '08) , 2008.
File: 2008-IJCARS-LPHMFLS_01.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Author = {Lange, Thomas and Papenberg, Nils and Heldmann, Stefan and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd and Schlag, Peter M.},
	Booktitle = {Internationnal Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2008 (CARS '08)},
	Title = {{3D Ultrasound--CT Alignment of the Liver using Combined Landmark--Intensity Registration}},
	Year = {2008}}
Eldad Haber, Stefan Heldmann, and Jan Modersitzki,
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Nonparametric Image Registration, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing , vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 3012-3027, 2008. SIAM.
File: 2008-SIAM-HHM_01.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Heldmann, Stefan and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Nonparametric Image Registration},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume = {30},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {3012-3027},
  url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SCE/30/3012},


Sven Barendt, Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
{E}in numerisches {V}erfahren zur {K}alibrierung von {G}ammakameras, A. Horsch and T.M. Deserno and H. Handels and {H.-P. Meinzer} and T. Tolxdoff, Eds. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2007. pp. 449-453.
ISBN:978-3-540-71090-5(Print), 978-3-540-71091-2 (Online)
File: 2007-BVM-BFM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Barendt, Sven and Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {{E}in numerisches {V}erfahren zur {K}alibrierung von {G}ammakameras},
  book = {{B}ildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die {M}edizin 2007},
  Editor = {A. Horsch and T.M. Deserno and H. Handels and {H.-P. Meinzer} and T. Tolxdoff},
  year = {2007},
  publisher={Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
  pages = {449-453},
  Series = {Informatik aktuell},
  DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-71091-2},
  ISBN={978-3-540-71090-5(Print), 978-3-540-71091-2 (Online)},
Nils Papenberg, Hanno Schumacher, Stefan Heldmann, Stefan Wirtz, Silke Bommersheim, Konstantin Ens, Jan Modersitzki, and Bernd Fischer,
A Fast and Flexible Image Registration Toolbox: Design and Implementation of the General Approach, A. Horsch and T.M. Deserno and H. Handels and {H.-P. Meinzer} and T. Tolxdoff, Eds. Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2007. pp. 106-110.
ISBN:978-3-540-71090-5 (Print), 978-3-540-71091-2 (Online)
File: 2007-BVM-FLIRT.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Papenberg, Nils and Schumacher, Hanno and Heldmann, Stefan and Wirtz, Stefan and Bommersheim, Silke and Ens, Konstantin and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd},
  title = {A Fast and Flexible Image Registration Toolbox: Design and Implementation of the General Approach},
  book= {Bildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die Medizin 2007},
  Series = {Informatik aktuell},
  Editor = {A. Horsch and T.M. Deserno and H. Handels and {H.-P. Meinzer} and T. Tolxdoff},
  volume = {5},
  year = {2007},
  publisher={Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg},
  pages = {106-110},
  ISBN={978-3-540-71090-5 (Print), 978-3-540-71091-2 (Online)},
Eldad Haber, Stefen Heldmann, and Jan Modersitzki,
An OcTree Method for Parametric Image Registration , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing , vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 2008-2023, 2007. SIAM.
File: 2007-SIAM-HM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Heldmann, Stefen and Modersitzki, Jan },
  title = {An OcTree Method for Parametric Image Registration },
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume = {29},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {2008-2023},
  url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SCE/29/2008/1},
Eldad Haber, and Jan Modersitzki,
Cofir: Coarse and Fine Image Registration , SIAM Real-Time PDE-Constrained Optimization , pp. 37-49, 2007. SIAM, Philadelphia.
File: 2007-SIAM-HM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Cofir: Coarse and Fine Image Registration },
  journal = {SIAM Real-Time PDE-Constrained Optimization},
  editor = {LT Biegler and O Ghattas and M Heinkenschloss and D Keyes and B van Bloemen Waanders},
  year = {2007},
  publisher={SIAM, Philadelphia},
  pages = {37-49},
Oliver Schmitt, Jan Modersitzki, Stefan Heldmann, Stefen Wirtz, and Bernd Fischer,
Image Registration of Sectioned Brains , International Journal of Computer Vision , vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 5-39, 2007. Springer Netherlands.
File: 2007-IJCV-SMHWF.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Schmitt, Oliver and Modersitzki, Jan and Heldmann, Stefan and Wirtz, Stefen and Fischer, Bernd},
  title = {Image Registration of Sectioned Brains },
  journal = {International Journal of Computer Vision },
  volume = {73},
  year = {2007},
  publisher={Springer Netherlands},
  pages = {5-39},
  ISSN={0920-5691 (Print), 1573-1405 (Online)},
Jan Modersitzki,
Image Registration with Local Rigidity Constraints, A. Horsch, TM. Deserno, H. Handels, HP. Meinzer, and T. Tolxdoff, Eds. Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2007. pp. 444-448.
ISBN:978-3-540-71090-5 (Print), 978-3-540-71091-2 (Online)
File: 2007-BVM-M.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Image Registration with Local Rigidity Constraints},
  book={Bildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die Medizin},
  editor= {A. Horsch, TM. Deserno, H. Handels, HP. Meinzer, and T. Tolxdoff},
  volume = {5},
  year = {2007},
  publisher={Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg},
  pages = {444-448},
  ISBN={978-3-540-71090-5 (Print), 978-3-540-71091-2 (Online)},


Eldad Haber, and Jan Modersitzki,
Image Registration with Guaranteed Displacement Regularity, International Journal of Computer Vision , vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 361-372, 2006. Springer Netherlands.
File: 2006-IJCV-HM_01.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Image Registration with Guaranteed Displacement Regularity},
  journal = {International Journal of Computer Vision},
  volume = {71},
  year = {2006},
  publisher={Springer Netherlands},
  pages = {361-372},
  ISSN={0920-5691 (Print), 1573-1405 (Online)},
Jan Modersitzki, and Stefan Wirtz,
Registration of Histological Serial Sectionings, in Mathematical Models for Registration and Applications to Medical Imaging. Mathematics in Industry , Otmar Scherzer, Eds. New York: Springer, 2006. pp. 63-80.
ISBN:978-3-540-25029-6 (Print), 978-3-540-34767-5 (Online)
Bibtex: BibTeX
    author = {Modersitzki, Jan and Wirtz, Stefan},
     title = {Registration of Histological Serial Sectionings},
    editor = {Otmar Scherzer},
  booktitle = {Mathematical Models for Registration and Applications
               to Medical Imaging. Mathematics in Industry},
      year = {2006},
 publisher = {Springer},
   address = {New York},
Eldad Haber, and Jan Modersitzki,
Intensity Gradient Based Registration and Fusion of Multi-modal Images, in Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2006 , C Barillot and DR Haynor and P Hellier, Eds. Springer LNCS, 2006. pp. 591--598.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Intensity Gradient Based Registration and Fusion of Multi-modal Images},
  booktitle = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI
  year = {2006},
  editor = {C Barillot and DR Haynor and P Hellier},
  volume = {3216},
  pages = {591--598},
  publisher = {Springer LNCS}
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Image Fusion and Registration -- a Variational Approach, in Computational Science and High Performance Computing II , E Krause and YI Shokin and M Resch and N Shokina, Eds. Springer, 2006. pp. 193--205.
File: 2006-CSHPC-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Image Fusion and Registration -- a Variational Approach},
  booktitle = {Computational Science and High Performance Computing II},
  Volume = {91},
  year = {2006},
  editor = {E Krause and YI Shokin and M Resch and N Shokina},
  series = {Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinatory Design, 91},
  pages = {193--205},
  publisher = {Springer},
Jan Modersitzki, and Stefen Wirtz,
Combining Homogenization and Registration , vol. 4057, pp. 257-263, 2006. Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg.
File: 2006-BMI-MW.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan and Wirtz, Stefen},
  title = {Combining Homogenization and Registration  },
  bbok = {Biomedical Image Registration},
  volume = {4057},
  year = {2006},
  publisher={Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg},
  pages = {257-263},
  ISSN={0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)},
Eldad Haber, and Jan Modersitzki,
A Multilevel Method for Image Registration, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing , vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 1594-1607, 2006. SIAM.
File: 2006-SIAM-HM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {A Multilevel Method for Image Registration},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume = {27},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {1594-1607},


Deutsches Patentamt, {N}avigationshilfsvorrichtung für {N}eurochirurgische {E}ingriffe am {M}enschlichen Gehirn, 2005
Bibtex: BibTeX
  TITLE =        {{N}avigationshilfsvorrichtung f\"{u}r {N}eurochirurgische {E}ingriffe am {M}enschlichen Gehirn},
  author =       {Hofmann, Ulrich and Knopp, Ulrich and Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  organization = {Deutsches  Patentamt},
  Howpublished = {DE 10242802.6},
  note =         {AZ 10242 802},
  year = {2005},
  month = {Feb.},
Eldad Haber, and Jan Modersitzki,
A Scale Space Method for Volume Preserving Image Registration , vol. Volume 3459, pp. 561-572, 2005. Spriger Berlin /Heidelberg.
File: 2005-SSPMSV-HM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {A Scale Space Method for Volume Preserving  Image Registration  },
  book={Scale Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision},
  volume = {Volume 3459},
  year = {2005},
  publisher={Spriger Berlin /Heidelberg},
  pages = {561-572},
  ISSN={0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)},
Eldad Haber, and Jan Modersitzki,
Beyond Mutual Information: A Simple and Robust Alternative, HP Meinzer and H Handels and A Horsch and T Tolxdorff, Eds. Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2005. pp. 350-354.
ISBN:978-3-540-25052-4 (Print), 978-3-540-26431-6 (Online)
File: 2005-BVM-HM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Beyond Mutual Information: A Simple and Robust Alternative},
  book={Bildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die Medizin 2005},
  editor = {HP Meinzer and H Handels and A Horsch and T Tolxdorff},
  year = {2005},
  publisher={Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg},
  pages = {350-354},
  ISBN={978-3-540-25052-4 (Print), 978-3-540-26431-6 (Online)},
Tracy Faber, Jan Modersitzki, Russell Folks, and Ernest Garcia,
Detecting Changes in Serial Myocardial Perfusion SPECT: A Simulation Study, Journal of Nuclear Cardiology , vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 302-310, 2005.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Faber, Tracy and Modersitzki, Jan and Folks, Russell and Garcia, Ernest},
  title = {Detecting Changes in Serial Myocardial Perfusion SPECT: A Simulation Study},
  journal = {Journal of Nuclear Cardiology},
  volume = {12},
  year = {2005},
  pages = {302-310},
Oliver Schmitt, Jan Modersitzki, Stefan Heldmann, Stefen Wirtz, L Hömke, W Heide, D Kömpf, and A Wree,
Three-dimensional Cytoarchitectonic Analysis of the Posterior Bank of the Human Precentral sulcus, Anatomy and Embryology , vol. Volume 210, Numbers 5-6, pp. 387-400, 2005. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
File: 2005-AE-SMHWHHKW.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Schmitt, Oliver and Modersitzki, Jan and Heldmann, Stefan and Wirtz, Stefen and H\"{o}mke, L and Heide, W and K\"{o}mpf, D and Wree, A },
  title = {Three-dimensional Cytoarchitectonic Analysis of the Posterior Bank of the Human Precentral sulcus},
  journal = {Anatomy and Embryology},
  volume = {Volume 210, Numbers 5-6},
  year = {2005},
  publisher={Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
  pages = {387-400},
  ISSN={0340-2061 (Print), 1432-0568 (Online)},
Oliver Schmitt, Reinhard Eggers, and Jan Modersitzki,
Videomicroscopy, Image Processing, and Analysis of Whole Histologic Sections of the Human Brain , Microscopy Research and Technique , vol. Volume 66 Issue 4, pp. 203-218, 2005. Wiley- Liss.
File: 2005-MRT-SEM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Schmitt, Oliver and Eggers, Reinhard and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Videomicroscopy, Image Processing, and Analysis of Whole Histologic Sections of the Human Brain },
  journal = {Microscopy Research and Technique},
  volume = {Volume 66 Issue 4},
  year = {2005},
  publisher={Wiley- Liss},
  pages = {203-218},


Oliver Schmitt, Stefan Wirtz, Jan Modersitzki, Bernd Fischer, Stefan Heldmann, and A. Wree,
Microregistration and microreconstruction of a whole mouse brain, 2004. Poster, TH 330, NeuroImage 22.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Author = {Schmitt, Oliver and Wirtz, Stefan and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd and Heldmann, Stefan and Wree, A.},
	Howpublished = {Poster, TH 330, NeuroImage 22},
	Title = {Microregistration and microreconstruction of a whole mouse brain},
	Year = {2004}}
Eldad Haber, and Jan Modersitzki,
Volume Preserving Image Registration , vol. 3216, pp. 591-598, 2004. Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg, LNCS.
File: 2004-MICCAI-HM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Volume Preserving Image Registration },
  book= {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention },
  volume = { 3216},
  year = {2004},
  publisher={Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg, LNCS},
  pages = {591-598},
  ISSN={0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)},
Stefan Wirtz, Bernd Fischer, Jan Modersitzki, and Oliver Schmitt,
Super-fast Elastic Registration of Histologic Images of a Whole Rat Brain for Three-dimensional Reconstruction, JM Fitzpatrick and M Sonka, Eds. SPIE, 2004. pp. 328-334.
File: 2004-SPIE-WFMS.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Wirtz, Stefan and Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan and Schmitt, Oliver},
  title = {Super-fast Elastic Registration of Histologic Images of a Whole Rat Brain for Three-dimensional Reconstruction},
  journal = {Proceeding of the SPIE},
  editor = {JM Fitzpatrick and M Sonka},
  volume = { 5370},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {328-334},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
On medical Image Registration, in Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2004), Leuven, Belgium , B de Moor and B Motmans, Eds. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2004. pp. 1-5.
ISBN: 90-5682-517-8
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {On medical Image Registration},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory
    of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2004), Leuven, Belgium},
  year = {2004},
  editor = {B de Moor and B Motmans},
  pages = {1-5},
  publisher = {Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart},
  ISBN={ 90-5682-517-8},
Eldad Haber, and Jan Modersitzki,
Numerical Methods for Volume Preserving Image Registration , Inverse Problems , vol. Volume 20, pp. 1621-1638, 2004. Institute of Physics Publishing.
File: 2004-IP-HM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Numerical Methods for Volume Preserving Image Registration },
  journal = {Inverse Problems},
  volume = {Volume 20},
  year = {2004},
  publisher={Institute of Physics Publishing},
  pages = {1621-1638},
Eldad Haber, Jan Modersitzki, and Stefan Heldmann,
"Multilevel Optimization Methods for Mutual Information Registration" Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322, 2004.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Haber, Eldad and Modersitzki, Jan and Heldmann, Stefan},
  title = {Multilevel Optimization Methods for Mutual Information Registration},
  institution = {Department of Mathematics and Computer Science},
  year = {2004},
  type = {Technical Report},
  number = {TR-2004-015-A},
  address = {Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322},
  note = {Submitted to Inverse Problems},
Jan Modersitzki,
Numerical Methods for Image Registration., .... New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {Numerical Methods for Image Registration},
  publisher = {Oxford University Press},
  address = {New York},
  year = {2004},
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Large Scale Problems Arising from Image Registration, GAMM Mitteilungen , vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 104-120, 2004.
File: 2004-GAMM-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Large Scale Problems Arising from Image Registration},
  journal = {GAMM Mitteilungen},
  volume = {27},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {104-120},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Intensity Based Image Registration with a Guaranteed One-to-one Point Match, Methods of Information in Medicine , pp. 327-330, 2004. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart.
File: 2004-MIM-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Intensity Based Image Registration with a Guaranteed One-to-one Point Match},
  journal = {Methods of Information in Medicine},
  Xnumber = {4 },
  year = {2004},
  publisher={Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart},
  pages = {327-330},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Ein {V}erfahren zur automatischen {R}egistrierung von {B}ildern, 2004. DE 102 53 784.4.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
	Howpublished = {DE 102 53 784.4},
	Title = {Ein {V}erfahren zur automatischen {R}egistrierung von {B}ildern},
	Year = {2004}
Sven Kabus, Thomas Netsch, Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
B-Spline Registration of 3D Images with Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization, JM Fitzpatrick and M Sonka, 2004. pp. 304-313.
File: 2004-SPIE-KNFM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Kabus, Sven and Netsch, Thomas and Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {B-Spline Registration of 3D Images with  Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization},
  journal = {Proceeding of the SPIE, Medical Imaging},
  volume = {5370},
  year = {2004},
  publisher={JM Fitzpatrick and M Sonka},
  pages = {304-313},
B. Fischer, and J. Modersitzki,
A unified approach to fast image registration and a new curvature based registration technique, Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol. 380, pp. 107--124, 2004.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {B. Fischer and J. Modersitzki},
  title = {A unified approach to fast image registration and a new curvature
	based registration technique},
  journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {380},
  pages = {107--124}
M Bolten, Jan Modersitzki, and Nils Papenberg,
"A parallel implementation of the {AOS}-based diffusion registration" 2004.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Bolten,M and Modersitzki, Jan and Papenberg, Nils},
  title = {A parallel implementation of the {AOS}-based diffusion registration},
  institution = {Institute of Mathematics, University of L\"ubeck, Germany},
  year = {2004},
  type = {In preparation},
Stefan Heldmann, Oliver Mahnke, Daniel Potts, Jan Modersitzki, and Bernd Fischer,
Fast Computation of Mutual Information in a Variational Image Registration Approach , Springer, 2004. pp. 448--452.
File: 2004-BVM-HMPMF.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Heldmann,Stefan and Mahnke, Oliver and Potts, Daniel and Modersitzki, Jan and Fischer, Bernd },
  title ={ Fast Computation of Mutual Information in a Variational Image Registration Approach },
  journal = {Bildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die Medizin},
  year = {2004},
   pages = {448--452},
  Series = {Informatik aktuell},


Robert F. Dougherty, Volker M Kock, Alyssa A. Brewer, Bernd Fischer, Jan Modersitzki, and Brian A: Wandell,
Visual Field Representations and Locations of Visual Areas V1/2/3 in Human Visual Cortex, Journal of Vision , vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 586-598, 2003.
File: 2003-JOV-DKBFMW.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Dougherty, Robert F. and Kock, Volker M and Brewer, Alyssa A. and Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan and Wandell, Brian A: },
  title = { Visual Field Representations and Locations of Visual Areas V1/2/3 in Human Visual Cortex},
  journal = {Journal of Vision},
  volume = {3},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {586-598},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Combination of Automatic Non-Grind Landmark Based Regisration: the Best of Both Worlds , vol. 5032, pp. 1037-1048, 2003. Proceedings of the SPIE 5032.
File: 2003-SPIE-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Combination of Automatic Non-Grind Landmark Based Regisration: the Best of Both Worlds },
  booktitle = {Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing},
  Volume = {5032},
  year = {2003},
  editor={M Sonka and FM Fitzpatrick},
  pages = {1037-1048},
  publisher = {Proceedings of the SPIE 5032},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Combining Landmark and Intensity Driven Registration, GAMM , pp. 32-35, 2003. Gamm.
File: 2003-GAMM-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Combining Landmark and Intensity Driven Registration},
  journal = {GAMM},
    Xvolume = {3},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {32-35},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Curvature Based Image Registration, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision , vol. 18, pp. 81-85, 2003. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
File: 2003-JMIV-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Curvature Based Image Registration},
  journal = {Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision},
  volume = {18},
  year = {2003},
  publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers},
  pages = {81-85},
  ISSN={0924-9907 (Print), 1573-7683 (Online)},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Fast Image Registration - A Variational Approach, Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics , pp. 69-74, 2003.
File: 2003-NACOM-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Fast Image Registration - A Variational Approach},
  journal = {Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis
   \& Computational Mathematics (NACoM-2003)},
  editor = {G Psihoyios},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {69-74},
E.D. Agostino, Jan Modersitzki, F. Maes, D. Vandermeulen, Bernd Fischer, and P. Suentens,
Free-Form Registration Using Mutual Information and Curvature Regularization, Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR 2003) , vol. 27177/2003, pp. 11-20, 2003. Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg.
File: 2003-BMI-AMMVFS.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Agostino, E.D. and  Modersitzki, Jan and Maes, F. and Vandermeulen, D. and Fischer, Bernd and Suentens, P.},
  title = {Free-Form Registration Using Mutual Information and Curvature Regularization},
  journal = {Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR 2003)},
  volume ={ 27177/2003},
  year = {2003},
  publisher={Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg},
  series = {LNCS 2717},
  Editor = {J.C. Gee and J.B.A. Maintz and M.W. Vannier},
  pages = {11-20},
  ISSN={0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Optimal Image Registration with a Guaranteed One-to-one Point Match, T Wittenberg and others, Eds. Springer, 2003.
File: 2003-BVM-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Optimal Image Registration with a Guaranteed One-to-one Point Match},
  book= {Bildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die Medizin},
  editor = {T Wittenberg and others},
  year = {2003},
  Series = {Informatik aktuell},
Oliver Schmitt, A Wree, L D\"umbgen, Jan Modersitzki, L. H\"omke, Stefan Heldmann, S Bock, J. Heide, and D. K\"ompf,
Spatial location of the human frontal eye field, Ann. Anal. , vol. 185, pp. 320--321, 2003.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Schmitt, Oliver and Wree, A and D\"umbgen, L and Modersitzki, Jan and H\"omke, L. and Heldmann, Stefan and Bock, S and Heide, J. and  K\"ompf, D.},
  title = {Spatial location of the human frontal eye field},
  journal = {Ann. Anal.},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {185},
  pages = {320--321},


M B\"ohme, R Hagenau, Jan Modersitzki, and B Siebert,
"Non-linear image registration on {PC}-clusters using parallel {FFT}, techniques" 2002.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {B\"ohme, M and Hagenau, R and Modersitzki, Jan and  Siebert, B},
  title = {Non-linear image registration on {PC}-clusters using parallel {FFT}
  institution = {Institute of Mathematics, University of L\"ubeck, Germany},
  year = {2002},
  type = {Preprint {A-02-08}},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Fast Curvature Based Registration of {MR}-Mammography Images, M Meiler and others, Eds. Springer, 2002. pp. 139--143.
File: 2002-BVM-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Fast Curvature Based Registration of {MR}-Mammography Images},
  book={Bildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die Medizin},
  editor = {M Meiler and others},
  year = {2002},
  Pages = {139--143},
  Series = {Informatik aktuell},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Fast Diffusion Registration, AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Inverse Problems, Image Analysis, and Medical Imaging , vol. 313, pp. 117-129, 2002. American Mathematical Society.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Fast Diffusion Registration},
  journal = {AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Inverse Problems, Image Analysis, and Medical Imaging},
  year = {2002},
  volume = {313},
  pages = {117-129},
  publisher={American Mathematical Society},
  Series = {Contemporary Mathematics},
  Editor = {M. Nashed and O. Scherzer},
Deutsches Patentamt, {\"{U}}ber ein {V}erfahren der {B}ildregistrierung, 2002
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =        {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  TITLE  =       {{\"{U}}ber ein {V}erfahren der {B}ildregistrierung},
  organization = {Deutsches  Patentamt},
  note =         {AZ 10253 784.4},
  year = {2002},
  month = {Nov.},


Jan Modersitzki, Oliver Schmitt, and Bernd Fischer,
{E}ffiziente, nicht-lineare {R}egistrierung eines histologischen {S}erienschnittes durch das menschliche {G}ehirn, in Bildverarbeitung f\"ur die Medizin 2001 , H Handels and others, Eds. Springer, 2001. pp. 179-183.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan and Schmitt, Oliver and Fischer, Bernd},
  title = {{E}ffiziente, nicht-lineare {R}egistrierung eines histologischen
    {S}erienschnittes durch das menschliche {G}ehirn},
  booktitle = {Bildverarbeitung f\"ur die Medizin 2001},
  year = {2001},
  editorOLD = {H Handels and A Horsch and TM Lehmann and HPH Meinzer},
  editor = {H Handels and others},
  pages = {179-183},
  publisher = {Springer},
  Series = {Informatik aktuell},
Oliver Schmitt, and Jan Modersitzki,
{R}egistrierung einer hochaufgel\"osten histologischen {S}chnittserie eines {R}attenhirns, in Bildverarbeitung f\"ur die Medizin 2001 , H Handels and others, Eds. Springer, 2001. pp. 174--178.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = { Schmitt, Oliver and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {{R}egistrierung einer hochaufgel\"osten histologischen {S}chnittserie
    eines {R}attenhirns},
  booktitle = {Bildverarbeitung f\"ur die Medizin 2001},
  year = {2001},
  editorOLD = {H Handels and A Horsch and TM Lehmann and HPH Meinzer},
  editor = {H Handels and others},
  pages = {174--178},
  publisher = {Springer},
Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
A Super Fast Algorithm, Springer, 2001. pp. 169-173.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {A Super Fast Algorithm},
  book={ Bildverarbeitung f\"{u}r die Medizin},
  editorOLD = {H Handels and A Horsch and TM Lehmann and HPH Meinzer},
  year = {2001},
  Series = {Informatik aktuell},
  pages = {169-173},
Jan Modersitzki, G Lustig, Oliver Schmitt, and Wolfgang Obel\"oer,
Elastic Registration of Brain Images on Large {PC}-Clusters, Future Generation Computer Systems , vol. 18, pp. 115--125, 2001. Elsevier.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan and Lustig, G and Schmitt, Oliver and Obel\"oer, Wolfgang},
  title = {Elastic Registration of Brain Images on Large {PC}-Clusters},
  journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {18},
  pages = {115--125},


G Sleijpen, H Vorst, and Jan Modersitzki,
Differences in the Effects of Rounding Errors in {K}rylov Solvers for Symmetric Indefinite Linear Systems, SIMAX , vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 726--751, 2000.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Sleijpen, G and van der Vorst, H and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Differences in the Effects of Rounding Errors in {K}rylov Solvers
    for Symmetric Indefinite Linear Systems},
  journal = {SIMAX},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {22},
  pages = {726--751},
  number = {3},
Jan Modersitzki, and Oliver Schmitt,
"Image registration of histological sections" 2000.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = { Modersitzki, Jan and Schmitt, Oliver},
  title = {Image registration of histological sections},
  institution = {Institute of Mathematics, University of L\"ubeck, Germany},
  year = {2000},
  type = {Preprint {A-02-06}},


Jan Modersitzki, Wolfgang Obelöer, Oliver Schmitt, and G Lustig,
Elastic Matching of very Large Digital Images on High Performance Clusters, in High-Performance Computing and Networking -- 7th International Conference, HPCN Europe 1999 , Springer, LNCS 1593, 1999. pp. 141--149.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan and Obel\"{o}er, Wolfgang and Schmitt, Oliver and Lustig, G},
  title = {Elastic Matching of very Large Digital Images on High Performance
  booktitle = {High-Performance Computing and Networking -- 7th International Conference,
    HPCN Europe 1999},
  year = {1999},
  pages = {141--149},
  publisher = {Springer, LNCS 1593},
Oliver Schmitt, R Eggers, Jan Modersitzki, Wolfgang Obel\"oer, and G Lustig,
Multidimensional Profiling of Elastic Deformed Particle Systems -- A First Approach, in Book of Abstracts of the First Vogt-Brodman Symposium: Perspectives of Architectonic Brain Mapping , 1999. pp. 75.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Schmitt, Oliver and Eggers, R and Modersitzki, Jan and Obel\"oer, Wolfgang and
 Lustig, G},
  title = {Multidimensional Profiling of Elastic Deformed Particle Systems -- A First Approach},
  booktitle = {Book of Abstracts of the First Vogt-Brodman Symposium: Perspectives
    of Architectonic Brain Mapping},
  year = {1999},
  pages = {75},
Oliver Schmitt, Jan Modersitzki, and Wolfgang Obel\"oer,
The {H}uman {N}euro {S}canning {P}roject, NeuroImage , vol. 9, pp. p. 22, 1999.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Schmitt, Oliver and Modersitzki, Jan and Obel\"oer, Wolfgang},
  title = {The {H}uman {N}euro {S}canning {P}roject},
  journal = {NeuroImage},
  year = {1999},
  volume = {9},
  pages = {p. 22},
Oliver Schmitt, R. Eggers, Jan Modersitzki, Wolfgang Obel\"oer, and G Lustig,
The total Number of Cells in Serial Sections of a Human Brain, in X-th International Congress for Stereology, University of Melbourne , 1999.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Schmitt, Oliver and Eggers, R. and Modersitzki, Jan and Obel\"oer, Wolfgang and
 Lustig, G},
  title = {The total Number of Cells in Serial Sections of a Human Brain},
  booktitle = {X-th International Congress for Stereology, University of Melbourne},
  year = {1999},


Bernd Fischer, and Jan Modersitzki,
Fast Inversion of Matrices Arising in Image Processing, Numerical Algorithms , vol. 22, pp. 1-11, 1998. Springer U.S..
File: 1998-NA-FM.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Fast Inversion of Matrices Arising in Image Processing},
  journal = {Numerical Algorithms},
  volume = {22},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {1-11},
  publisher={Springer U.S.},
  ISSN={1017-1398 (Print), 1572-9265 (Online)},


Jan Modersitzki,
{P}olynomiale {I}terationsverfahren zur {L}\"osung indefiniter linearer {G}leichungssysteme mit optimalen {I}terierten und kurzer {R}ekursion., .... Ammersbek bei Hamburg: Verlag an der Lottbek, 1995.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {{P}olynomiale {I}terationsverfahren zur {L}\"osung indefiniter linearer
    {G}leichungssysteme mit optimalen {I}terierten und kurzer {R}ekursion},
  year = {1995},
  publisher = {Verlag an der Lottbek},
  address = {Ammersbek bei Hamburg},


Jan Modersitzki,
"Conjugate Gradient Type Methods for Solving Symmetric, Indefinite Linear Systems" University of Utrecht, 1994.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Conjugate Gradient Type Methods for Solving Symmetric, Indefinite
    Linear Systems},
  institution = {Department of Mathematics},
  year = {1994},
  type = {Technical Report},
  number = {868},
  address = {University of Utrecht},


Jan Modersitzki,
Der {A}lgorithmus von {T}ang zur {L}\"osung linearer komplexer {A}pproximationsaufgaben in der {T}schebyscheff - {N}orm, Diploma Thesis, Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Hamburg, 1990.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Modersitzki, Jan},
  title = {Der {A}lgorithmus von {T}ang zur {L}\"osung linearer
           komplexer {A}pproximationsaufgaben
    in der {T}schebyscheff - {N}orm},
  school = {Institute of Applied Mathematics},
  year = {1990},
  type = {Diploma Thesis},
  address = {University of Hamburg},
  note = {(In German)},