Talk: Hari Om Aggrawal

On 25 January 2017, 15:30, Hari Om Aggrawal from the Technical University of Denmark DTU Compute, Section for Scientific Computing will give a talk on "A Convex Reconstruction Model for X-ray Tomographic Imaging with Uncertain Flat-fields"

Location: MIC-Arena, Maria-Goeppert-Str. 3, 23562 Lübeck

Title: A Convex Reconstruction Model for X-ray Tomographic Imaging with Uncertain Flat-fields

Abstract: Classical methods for X-ray computed tomography are based on the assumption that the X-ray source intensity is known, but in practice, the intensity is measured and hence uncertain. Under normal operating conditions, when the exposure time is sufficiently high, this kind of uncertainty typically has a negligible effect on the reconstruction quality. However, in time- or dose-limited applications such as dynamic CT, this uncertainty may cause severe and systematic artifacts known as ring artifacts. By carefully modeling the measurement process and by taking uncertainties into account, we derive a new convex model that leads to improved reconstructions despite poor quality measurements. In this talk, we will discuss the methodology and demonstrate the effectiveness of this based on simulated and real data sets.