Talk: Andreas Husch

On April 20th, 15 ct, Andreas Husch from the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg / University of Luxembourg and the Trier University of Applied Sciences will give a talk on "Deep Brain Stimulation - Current Issues from an Applied Perspective"

Location: MIC-Arena, Maria-Goeppert-Str. 3, 23562 Lübeck

Title: Deep Brain Stimulation - Current Issues from an Applied Perspective

Abstract: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is an established technique for the treatment of various disorders of the nervous system. The method is based on the permanent implantation of electrodes into distinct brain areas. In movement disorders, including Essential Tremor (ET) and Parkinsons's Disease (PD), DBS is applied for more than 25 years, and the effect for PD is described as "unchallenged" (Benabid) by other treatment options. Remarkably, the mechanisms of the therapy interacting with the brain are still far from understood. Computer aided methods play a key role in the surgical process and have an increasing impact towards more sophisticated stimulation protocols currently on the verge to market. The talk will give an overview of DBS from an application oriented perspective focused on the surgical workflow and its computer aided modeling.